phone +7 (812) 232 02 96

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Work schedule
from 11.00 to 18.00 (the ticket office closes an hour earlier) the
entrance of visitors to the Museum territory stops at 17.00
days off-Monday, Tuesday, last Thursday of the month.

On March 8 the Museum will be CLOSED.

Museum Departments and Divisions

Department of Stock, Scholar Processing and Storing Objects of Artillery
The department is one of the oldest and biggest ones in the Museum. It became an individual subdivision in the second half of the 1930’s. The department includes the following stocks – Artillery materiel, Russian arms and defensive armament, Artillery instruments and ammunition; Stock of not-Russian cold steels and defensive armament; Stock of not-Russian fire arms and the High-Value Stock; First stock of universal history (objects of fine arts, phalerae, numismatics, sculptures, albums, documents), Second stock of universal history (uniforms, outfit, colors, objects of everyday life, musical instruments), Photos stock.
Department of Stock, Scholar Processing and Storing Objects from Engineer Troops
The department was arranged as a result of merging the Central Historical Military-Engineer Museum with the Artillery Historical Museum in 1963. Department contains two stocks – Engineer-Documentary one and the Engineer-Technical one.
 Scholar-Display Department of the History of Artillery
The department was organized first as a scholar-research department on October 31, 1935. The goal of the department is preparation of the Museum display (arranged in 8 rooms) and exhibition.
Scholar-Display Department of the History of Engineer Troops
The department was organized along with the Department of Stock, Scholar Processing and Storing Objects from Engineer Troops in 1963. Two display rooms, The History of the Engineers up to 1917 and The History of the Engineers after 1917.
Scholar-Display Department of the History of Signal Corps
In 1944, the Military Communication Museum was opened in Moscow by the initiative of Marshal I.T. Peresypkin, Chief of the Main Communication Administration of the Red Army. In 1946, exhibits of the museum were handed over to the Military Communication Academy (Leningrad).
According to the direction of the General Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the USSR #ORG/3/34141 dated January 16, 1965, the Museum was merged with the Military-Historical Museum of Artillery and Engineer Corps as an individual department. The department consists of two display rooms, The Signal Corps during World War II and The History of Military Communication, as well as the stock of equipment from the history of signal corps.
Scholar-Exhibition Department
The department was organized on January 14, 1957, as a Department for an Exhibition Work in Troops. It is an organizing and coordinating center for the Museum’s participation in different exhibitions arranged in conjunction with other museums and directly participates in preparation and mounting all exhibitions in the Museum.
Department for Scholar and Education Work and Military-Patriotic Training
The department is one of the oldest one in the Museum. It became an individual subdivision in the second half of the 1930’s. The goal of the department is arranging excursions and scholar-educational work both in the Museum, and military units, education and other institutions. The department is involved in organizing military-historical festivals, conferences, seminars, meetings with veterans.
Scholar-Display Department of the History of War of 1812, Commanding and State Activities of Field-Marshal Kutuzov
The department was organized by the directive of the General Headquarters of the Land Forces #453/1/22-53 dated June 3, 1991. The Museum received the stock from the memorial House-Museum of Field-Marshal M.I. Kutuzov from the city of Boleslawiec. The first display was opened on June 24, 1992. Now employees of the department are busy with arranging the new display M.I. Kutuzov and the War of 1812
Department for State Registration of Museum Values
Registration activities started in the Museum as early, as the second quarter of the 18th century, when the first inventories and registration books started to be compiled for all objects collected in the Zeughaus. As a result of numerous reorganizations in the system of registration which took place in the 1920-1930’s a special division for registration and keeping exhibits was arranged.
Scholar Department for Securing Safe Keeping Monuments of Culture and History
The department was singled out as an independent subdivision in 1999. The department consists of restoration workshops (painting, sculpture and models, paper, photo documents, cloth, wood and metal); workshop for art decorating objects for displaying and post-restoration works; sector for preventive conservation; sector for climate control; laboratory for biological control; sector for digital copying documents.
Specialists from the department take an active part in Russian and international conferences, seminars, exhibitions, common projects.
The department is in close contact with leading museums, libraries and archives. Now this subdivision functions also as a scholar-methodical center for military museums in Russia, not having special subdivisions for keeping their stocks.
Editorial & Publishing Department
Publishing activities started in the Museum due to the efforts of N.E. Brandenburg in the second half of the 19thcentury. The Museum had a printing house in his possession. In the 1990’s it was reorganized into the Operative Polygraphy Center. The department is engaged in publishing Museum collections of scholar articles and catalogues. Here the Bombardirmagazine is issued. It is a military-historical appendix to the information-publicistic journal Vooruzhenie. Politika. Konversia [Arming. Politics. Conversion] (published since 1995, once in six months). Scholar-research works by the museum employees are published in the department, as well. The editorial & publishing department provides information securing of Museum exhibitions and publishes various booklets, annotations, labels for exhibits, banners, billboards, etc. 
Department of Material Support
The department is one of the oldest ones in the Museum. As early as the 1920’s the Museum had an own carpentry joiner’s shop and arms mechanical shop. The latter was busy with cleaning pistols, rifles, bayonets, rapiers, cartouches, halberds, etc. Since 1935, a model restoration workshop was attached to the Museum.
The department realizes a complex of measurements for Museum heating, energetic and water-supplying, as well as cleaning the Museum territory. The department secures the work of all the other Museum subdivisions due to providing all necessary material and technical, as well as other necessary means.
Technical Systems Division
The division was organized for securing kept and displaying culture values in 2001.