phone +7 (812) 232 02 96

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Work schedule
from 11.00 to 18.00 (the ticket office closes an hour earlier) the
entrance of visitors to the Museum territory stops at 17.00
days off-Monday, Tuesday, last Thursday of the month.

FREE admission on February 23! On February 26 the Museum will be closed, and open on February 27!

Museum Publications

Museum Publications

Brandenburgskie Chtenia Collection of Articles [Brandenburg Readings]. Published since 2003. Includes papers from scholar conferences in memory of N.E. Brandenburg, well-known Russian scholar-historian, archaeologist, museum specialist. 
Issue №2. Pismennye pamiatniki v muzeinykh sobraniiakh [Written Monuments in Museum Collections]. St. Petersburg, 2007.
Bombardir Magazine. Issue №19. St. Petersburg: Military-Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineer and Signal Corps, 2007.
140 pp. Size A4. Edition: 1000 copies.
The issue is dedicated to the 625th anniversary of Russian artillery and 430th anniversary of the Main Missile-Artillery Administration. A pantheon for history of Russian artillery, Military-Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineer and Signal Corps, forms a part of the Administration for more than 300 years. A scholar conference took place in the Museum in the frame-work of celebrations dedicated to these historical dates. General stages in developing Russian artillery till nowadays were elucidated by the participants in the conference on the basis of vast historical sources.
Kulinskii, A.N. Atributsiia i opisanie kholodnogo i nekotorykh vidov ruchnogo metatelnogo oruzhiia i shtykov [Attribution and Description of Cold Steels and Some Types of Darts and Bayonets]. Methodical recommendations. St. Petersburg, 2007.
225 pp. Size A4. Edition: 500 copies.
The publication is called to provide a practical assistance to museum workers in attributing a large group of cold steels and bayonets. The author states general notions referring to typology of cold steels,  and gives recommendation on their studying.
Makovskaia L.K. Issledovaniia i opisanie obraztsov ruchnogo ognestrelnogo oruzhiia Russkoi armii kontsa XIV – pervoi poloviny XIX vekov [Studies and Description of Samples of Hand Fire Arms from the late 14th – First Half of the 19th Century]. Methodical recommendations. St. Petersburg, 2007.
72 pp. Size A4. Edition: 500 copies.
The methodical recommendations given in the publication regard samples of hand fire arms of the late 14th – first half of the 19th century. The research work was limited with these chronological frames not accidentally. The former refers to the birth of the Russian artillery, while the latter signifies the next stage in history of the arms materiel. Absolutely new kinds of arms, muzzle-loading, magazine, automatic weapons were designed and produced just that time.
Voina i mir. God 1807 [War and Peace. Year 1807]. Catalogue of the exhibition. St. Petersburg, 2007.
66 pp. Size A4. Edition: 500 copies. 
The catalogue was published on the occasion of the exhibition opened commemorating the 200th anniversary of the French-Prussian-Russian war resulted in concluding the Tilsit peace treaty. In 1806, Russian troops did the ally’s duty and entered into a hard encounter with the army of Napoleon for rescue of the Prussian Kingdom.